Kamis, 18 Januari 2018


GURU  :  ("L Windaris Lana , S.Pd.")

KELOMPOK      :  1. Febi Fatlika N.S
                                    2. Dina zalimatul K.F
                                    3. Maulidatul Rohma
                                4. Husnul Hotimah
                                   5. Nikmatus Solehah
                  6. Yuliatin



1. Cinderella: A good girl who is always treated very badly by her stepmother and her stepbrother.
2. Anastasia: Cinderella's sister. She has red hair and Drizella's sister.
3. Drizella: Cinderella's brown-haired sister. She treated Cinderella worse than Anastasia.
4. Lady Tremaine: Cinderella's stepmother and mother Anastasia and Drizella.
5. Prince Charming: The royal prince who holds the ball.
6. Fairy: The fairies who help Cinderella go to the ball.

Once upon a time, there was a beautiful girl named Cinderella. She lives with her stepmother and her two half brothers. They treat Cinderella very badly. Cinderella was treated as a waitress, she cleaned the house, washed clothes, did the dishes, and all the housework.
One day in the morning.
Drizella: Cinderella. Where is our breakfast? I am hungry now.
Anastasia: Hurry We're hungry.
Cinderella: Wait a moment Drizella, Anastasia. I'm preparing it.
Lady: (Angry) You answered my sister ?. Hurry or I'll hit you
Cinderella: sorry my mom. This is breakfast.
(After breakfast)
Lady: Clean the Cinderella table. We're done here
Anastasia: and then you have to wash my clothes
Drizella: My clothes too. Clean or I will ask you to wash twice.
Cinderella: how can you be so bad to me?
Lady: why do not you not my daughter Do or I'll throw you out of this house.
Drizeell and Anastasia: Hahahahaha. Poor Cinderella Not out You are very ugly and dirty (huekk)
Then Cinderella left with plates, washed all the clothes and cleaned the house. In the afternoon after he did all his work.
Cinderella: (sitting in the kitchen and crying) Oh my God, why this can happen to me
Anastasia: (calling from his bedroom). Ugly Cinderella. Come here comb my hair.
Cinderella: Yes Anastasia. I will come. (Cinderella comes and Anastasia hair comb)
Drizella: Then I'd better comb my hair.
Cinderella: Ok Drizella, after this I will comb your hair.
At night. Cinderella is cooking in the kitchen for dinner.
Drizella: Quicken the ugly Cinderella. What are you doing?
Anastasia: I am a starving mother. He's too slow.
Lady: Cinderella How long will you keep us waiting.
Cinderella: yes This is your dinner
That's how Cinderella does it every day. She was treated like a waitress and she slept in the kitchen every night.
One day, a Duke from the palace came to their house.
Duke: excuse me. Please collect here everyone in this house.
(Cinderella's stepmother and stepbrother congregate near Duke but Cinderella listens from the kitchen)
Duke: I want to announce that our King will hold a ball for the Prince. All girls are invited to the ball. This will take place two days later. Prince will choose the bride there.
After giving the announcement, the duke left home.
Drizella: Mom, let's go to the ball and I'll be the bridal prince.
Anastasia: No, I will be a bride. I'm prettier than you.
Lady: Calm down my daughter. We're gonna go to the ball. But we need a dress.
Drizella: Ask Cinderella to buy her mother.
Lady: Cinderella Cinderella. Come here now.
Cinderella: Yes mother.
Lady: Go and buy the best dress for Anastasia and Drizella. This is the money. You must return before dinner.
Drizella: I want the yellow dress.
Anastasia: I want the red dress.
Cinderella: yes mom
On the night before the ball.
Drizella: Cinderella. Come and comb my hair, hurry up.
Anastasia: Then comb my hair. I want to look beautiful at the party.
Cinderella: Yes sister.
Lady: We're gonna go to the ball, you stay at Cinderella's house. If you go, I will throw you into the forest.
Cinderella: yes mom
Drizella: Yes. You are ugly, the prince will be sick to see you. hahahahahaha
Anastasia: Let's go mother Leave this ugly girl
After they leave. Cinderella sits in her kitchen and starts to cry. Suddenly, the fairy comes to her.
Fairy: What happened Cinderella. Why are you crying?
Cinderella: (surprise) who are you
Fairy: I will help you, what do you want?
Cinderella: Actually I want to go to the ball. But, I do not have a dress and my stepmother forbade me to go.
Fairy: do not be afraid I will help you.
The fairy toyed with her wand and made Cinderella have a very beautiful dress and a pair of glass shoes. He also made six mice into horses and two coachmen, and turned the pumpkin into a coach.
Fairy: Cinderella. You can go now, but remember, the magic lasts until midnight. You have to go home before that.
Cinderella: Ok fairy Thank you.
When Cinderella comes to the ball, everyone is surprised by her beauty. When the prince saw him, he came and asked Cinderella to dance with her. It makes everyone in the hall very jealous.
Prince: O pretty girl. You want to dance with me.
Cinderella: Yes prince
Prince: You're beautiful, what's your name for a young woman?
Cinderella: my name. .
Cinderella suddenly saw the big clock show that the hours of nine to twelve in the middle of the night. He suddenly ran away.
Cinderella: I am a sorry prince, I must go now.
Prince: wait. . wait. please tell me your name
Cinderella ran fast and made one of her glass shoes left behind. Cinderella has left the palace.
Prince: I have to find him. grab a glass shoe).
After the ball is over.
Prince: Duke, I want you to find him. Use this glass shoe to find it.
Duke: You want me to go around the royal prince?
Prince: Please Duke, you have to find it for me.
Duke: Yes Prince, as you wish.
Duke comes into every house and asks every girl to try glass shoes, but no one can wear them because it's so small. Finally, Duke came to Cinderella's house.
Duke: I am here as a prince looking to meet this girl who has these glass shoes. I want all girls to try wearing these shoes.
Anastasia: I'm the first
Drizella and Anastasia can not wear shoes. Duke was almost desperate, he saw Cinderella peeking out of the kitchen.
Duke: who is he
Lady: He is our servant.
Duke: call him, I want him to try
Drizella: No, that's not it.
Duke: Call him, I do this for the prince. I want all the girls to try.
Come here this little girl. Try these shoes.
Cinderella: yes sir
When Cinderella puts the glass shoe on her feet, it suits her. Suddenly the fairy comes and changes the clothes of Cinderella as she wears the ball.
Duke: Yes, the prince will be very happy. Wait here. I will call the prince. He's on the coach.
Prince came to the house.
Prince: Finally, I can find you. Tell me your name is a beautiful woman.
Cinderella: Cinderella. My name is Cinderella my prince.
Prince: will you go to the palace with me? I want to introduce you to my father and mother.
Drizella: Not possible.
Anastasia: I do not believe, the prince is looking for this girl.

Finally, the prince takes Cinderella to the palace and marries her there. They live happily ever after. But Cinderella also brought her stepmother and stepbrother to the palace with her. Now, they are a good mother and brother to Cinderella.

penerbit : Muhammad latif (guzlathief8@gmail.com)

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